It's pretty amazing what pops into my head while I'm doing the most mundane tasks.
Over a stack of dirty dishes from last night's chicken pie dinner, I realised what the right answer to the most dreaded question a man can hear.
"Baby, am I fat?"
Four little words to send chills down a man's spine, put the fear of god in him, and the distinct possibility of enforced celibacy for the rest of his natural life.
Before I reveal the right answer, I really need to start with the only two reasons why normal women ask that question. Yes, there are only two reasons. And the caveat is normal. This does not take into consideration crazy people nor any other dysfunctional self-image issues.
The first is: She knows she hasn't gained weight and is just fishing for compliments or reinforcement of her fabulousness.
The second is: She knows she's gained weight and is looking to see if you've noticed her ass is the size of a Mack truck.
The right answer is the honest answer.
Look at it this way. If you can clearly see that she's looking great, then a "Not at all honey, you look fabulous" will please her to no end because it comes out sincere.
On the other hand, if she is putting on a few sizes, then a gentle acknowledgement that's she's gained a few kilos, an offer of support to shed it and a "... and I love you no matter what" is probably the best bet. It may not be what she wants to hear but at least she knows you're not lying through your teeth. So, she'll pout a bit, deny you boom-boom for a couple of days, but chances are, you won't be hearing that question until she asks you again for the first reason. Haha...
The only answer is... " No! You look beautiful! But, if for some strange reason you think you need to shed a few pounds then i would be more than willing to help you work it off!"